Pre-meeting summaries for the April 2020 IFRS Interpretations Committee meeting

  • IFRS IC meeting (blue) Image

23 Apr 2020

The IFRS Interpretation Committee will meet on 29 April 2020 via video conference.

Comments on Tentative Agenda Decision

IAS 12 Income Taxes—Multiple Tax Consequences of Recovering an Asset (Agenda Paper 2): The staff recommend finalising the agenda decision which confirms that an entity should reflect the distinct tax consequences of recovering the asset's carrying amount under the income tax and capital gain tax regimes.

Research Summary

Supply Chain Financing—Reverse Factoring (Agenda Paper 3): The research summary provides a summary of the prevalence of supply chain financing arrangements, the key terms of reverse factoring arrangements and the accounting for reverse factoring arrangements.

Work in progress (Agenda Paper 4)

There are no new matters that have not yet been presented to the Committee.

The full agenda and pre-meeting summaries for the meeting can be found here. We will update this page for any changes to the agenda and our Deloitte meeting notes as they become available. 

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Correction list for hyphenation

These words serve as exceptions. Once entered, they are only hyphenated at the specified hyphenation points. Each word should be on a separate line.