IIRC publishes consultation draft of its revised Framework

  • IIRC (International Integrated Reporting Committee) (green) Image

22 May 2020

In February 2020, the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) launched the revision of the International <IR> Framework and called for market feedback on specific themes to inform the nature and direction of the revision. A consultation draft of the revised Framework has now been released for a 90 day comment period.

The consultation draft has been informed by the 300 responses the IIRC received on three topic papers published in February, ongoing observation of market practice internationally, as well as the detailed deliberations of the IIRC’s Framework Panel, a diverse group of reporting experts from the business, investor and accountancy communities. Feedback on the draft is requested through an online survey and via participation in one of over 20 virtual roundtables hosted by the IIRC’s partners globally.

Please click for more information, access to the draft and access to a companion document setting out the basis for the proposed Framework revisions on the IIRC website.

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