Trustees decision on the ISSB expected in October

  • IFRS Trustees meeting (blue) Image

28 Sep 2021

The IFRS Foundation Trustees held a video conference on 20 September 2021.

The Trustees were provided with a briefing on the work of the Technical Readiness Working Group, which included the planning for the appropriate transfer of technical expertise, content and resources to the proposed ISSB and steps taken in order to provide the proposed ISSB with a ‘running start’. In addition, the Trustees were updated on (1) the capital funding and other support received from jurisdictions and (2) feedback received on the proposed amendments to the IFRS Foundation Constitution.

The next meeting is scheduled for the week of 18 October 2021. During that meeting, the Trustees will make a final determination about establishing the new board.

For more in­for­ma­tion, see the full summary on the IASB’s website.

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