IASB Chair discusses the future for IFRS Accounting Standards

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07 Dec 2021

On 7 December 2021, IASB Chair Andreas Barckow spoke to delegates at the AICPA and CIMA Conference on Current SEC and PCAOB Developments in Washington D.C. In his speech, Mr Barckow focused on sustainability, IASB’s current and future priorities, and convergence with FASB.

Specifically, Mr Barckow discussed:

  • Sustainability-related financial disclosures — He noted that sustainability has become a mainstream topic amongst board of directors and within financial reporting. He cited the creation of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) which was developed to create a global baseline of investor-focused, sustainability-related disclosure standards. In addition, he stated that the ISSB and the IASB will work independently of each other, but the 'connectivity between accounting requirements and sustainability disclosure requirements is essential'.
  • Current work programme and future direction — He highlighted three key projects the IASB is working on: (1) primary financial statements, (2) post-implementation reviews for the IASB’s consolidation Standards (IFRS 10, 11, and 12) and financial instruments Standard (IFRS 9), and (3) goodwill and impairment.
  • Agenda consultation and future work programme — He mentioned that the staff is in review of the feedback received from the IASB’s latest agenda consultation. Some themes that have emerged from the feedback so far are ‘be mindful how much change you impose on stakeholders; reserve time for working with the new ISSB as well as on emerging issues; and do something on intangibles’. New projects suggested by stakeholders include climate related risk, cryptocurrencies and related transactions, going concern, intangible assets and the statement of cash flows. Some of these projects may be handled by the ISSB, while others may be worked on jointly.
  • Convergence — He noted that having converged Standards and keeping Standards converged with the FASB are two different challenges; however, it is important to continue to keep the two Boards (IASB and FASB) informed on important issues and work together to the benefit of stakeholders.

See the full transcript on the IASB’s website.

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