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IFRS translation into Dutch is published

07 Mar 2003

A translation of IFRS into Dutch has been completed and is available for purchase.

It is one of a number of translations that are being done in preparation for the implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards in the European Union from 1 January 2005.
IFAC (International Federation of Accountants) (lt gray) Image

IAASB publishes its first annual report

07 Mar 2003

The International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) has published its first annual report.

The IAASB was officially formed in March 2002, to replace the former International Auditing Practices Committee. It operates independently under the auspices of IFAC. The IAASB's new report summarises its standard-setting and other activities during 2002 and outlines the Board's initiatives for 2003. Click to Download (PDF 415k).
United States (old) Image

US SEC invites nominees for Chairperson of the PCAOB

06 Mar 2003

The US Securities and Exchange Commission has announced the selection criteria and has Invited Nominations for the Chairperson of the new Public Company Accounting Oversight Board.

Nominations are due 14 March 2003.
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Changed dates for IASB's March 2003 meeting

05 Mar 2003

The dates for the IASB's meeting later this month have been changed to Wednesday and Thursday, 19 and 20 March.

The agenda for the meeting, which will be held at the Board's office in London, includes:
Accounting Roundup Image

New Accounting Roundup newsletter is posted

04 Mar 2003

We have posted the 3 March 2003 edition of Accounting Roundup, a newsletter published by Deloitte & Touche (USA).

Among the topics covered in this issue are FASB and AICPA exposure drafts on real estate accounting issues; GASB exposure drafts on post-employment benefits; a summary of the IASB's February meeting; and recent D&T; publications and IAS guidance materials.
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Reminder: ED2 comment deadline is next Friday

01 Mar 2003

The IASB's deadline for receiving comments on ED 2, Share-Based Payment, is this coming Friday, 7 March 2003. .

The IASB's deadline for receiving comments on ED 2, Share-Based Payment, is this coming Friday, 7 March 2003.

SAC (Standards Advisory Council) (mid blue) Image

Observers' notes from February 2003 Advisory Council meeting

28 Feb 2003

So our home page can download more quickly, we have moved our unofficial observers' notes from the February SAC meeting to a Separate Page.

Most of the meeting was devoted to a roundtable discussion of various aspects of financial instruments. No decisions were taken. The discussions were structured so that, for each topic, an IASB staff member set out the background, including a brief summary of comments received, and then SAC members were invited to express concerns or comments.
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IFRS model financial statements in Chinese

28 Feb 2003

We have posted the 2002 version of the IFRS model financial statements in Chinese.

You will find the link on our China page.
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Our comments on proposed IAS/IFRS certification programme

26 Feb 2003

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu has submitted a letter of comment on the (PDF 60k).

Our letter expresses some concerns about the issues raised in the proposal and sets out a suggested short- and medium-term way forward. You can also Download All of our Firm's Other Letters of Comment on IASB and IASC proposals back to 1995.
European Union (old) Image

EU proposes to enlarge small-company reporting exemptions

26 Feb 2003

European law allows member States to exempt small companies from certain requirements for disclosures in their accounts, preparing consolidated accounts, preparing an annual report, and being audited.

The EC has Proposed (PDF 24k) to raise the size limits for defining a 'small company' by 16.8%.

Correction list for hyphenation

These words serve as exceptions. Once entered, they are only hyphenated at the specified hyphenation points. Each word should be on a separate line.