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Timetable changes for present value and insurance projects

28 Mar 2001

Under the new IASB structure, Issues Papers will normally be issued by the Board, not by the steering committee as in the past.

The steering committee's work on an issues paper on Present Value is at an advanced stage. The IASB will have its initial discussion of the project at its inaugural meeting 18-20 April, but additional "educational sessions" will be needed, most likely continuing into the summer. Therefore, publication of a paper in the first half of 2001 is no longer a realistic expectation. Second half of 2001 is more likely.

For IASB start-up reasons, as well, publication of a Draft Statement of Principles on Insurance Contracts is now no longer expected in the first half of 2001. Late 2001 or early 2002 is the most likely time frame at present.

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European groups organise to provide input to IASB and "endorsement mechanism"

21 Mar 2001

A broad group of organisations representing the European accounting profession, preparers, users, and national standard-setters has proposed to organise a private-sector structure that would (a) provide input to the IASB and (b) assess IAS and SIC Interpretations.

The Proposal [Press Release, PDF 73k] describes the latter process as "endorsement". The structure would be known as EFRAG: the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group. The proposal envisages a two-tier structure:

  1. An accounting technical committee of "highly-qualified technical experts" drawn from national standard setters, the accountancy profession, preparers and users, limited in size, and
  2. A Supervisory Board of European Organisations "to guarantee representation of the full European interest and to enhance the legitimacy and credibility of EFRAG".

"The accounting technical committee would provide technical expertise concerning the use of IAS within the European legal environment. It would participate actively in the international accounting standard setting process and organise the coordination within the EU of views concerning international accounting standards. This committee should be in place in the course of the second quarter of 2001, i.e. soon after the new IASC Board becomes operative (from 1 April 2001 onwards). The Commission would be represented in this committee in an observer capacity."

Organisations sponsoring the proposal include: Preparers:
  • UNICE - Union des Confederations de l'Industrie et des Employeurs d'Europe
  • GEBC - European Association of Cooperative Banks
  • ESBG - European Savings Banks Group
  • EBF - European Banking Federation
  • CEA - Comite Europeen des Assurances
Organisations of SMEs:
  • UEAPME - European Association of Craft, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
  • EFAA - European Federation of Accountants and Auditors for SMEs
  • EFFAS - European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies
  • FESE - Federation of European Securities Exchanges
Accountancy profession:
  • FEE - Federation des Experts Comptables Europeens
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Canadian securities regulators consider whether to allow IAS, US GAAP

19 Mar 2001

Canadian securities regulators have requested comment on whether they should allow Canadian and foreign companies to file using IAS or US GAAP instead of Canadian GAAP.

Currently, Canadian registrants must use Canadian GAAP. Foreign registrants may use IAS but then generally must reconcile to Canadian GAAP. Many Canadian companies already prepare US GAAP statements, in additional to Canadian GAAP, because they have US as well as Canadian listings. In Canada, securities markets are regulated provincially rather than nationally. The provincial regulators have published a joint request for comments that is available on this website [Executive Summary, 10k PDF and Discussion Paper, 90k PDF] or on the websites of the Ontario Securities Commission, the Alberta Securities Commission, and the British Columbia Securities Commission.
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Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu analysis of mining industry accounting issues

19 Mar 2001

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu has published a booklet summarising and analysing the issues in IASC's Extractive Industries Issues Paper from the perspective of mining enterprises.

IASC has asked for comments on its 412-page issues paper by 30 June. Click to (PDF, 519k). Click here for information about IASC's Extractive Industries Project.
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IASC Trustees begin Advisory Council selection process

18 Mar 2001

The IASC Trustees are reviewing 175 applications and nominations for membership on the Standards Advisory Council.

SAC will have approximately 30 members and will provide a forum for organisations and individuals with an interest in international financial reporting to participate in the standard setting process. Members will be appointed for a renewable term of three years and have diverse geographic and functional backgrounds. SAC will normally meet three times each year to:
  • advise the Board on priorities in the Board's work,
  • inform the Board of the implications of proposed standards for users and preparers of financial statements, and
  • give other advice to the Board or to the Trustees.
The Trustees expect to complete the selection process for the Advisory Council by early April.
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IASB announces 2001 meeting schedule, agenda for first meeting

17 Mar 2001

IASB plans to meet for three days each month, except August, during 2001. The agenda for the 18-20 April meeting includes: Adoption of existing International Accounting Standards and SIC Interpretations Outline of Current Projects Financial Instruments, including IAS 39, impelementation guidance, and the JWG Project Present Value Insurance Contracts Reporting Financial Performance Improvements Project SIC Issues Planning: Board Agenda, Work Programme, May Meeting Agenda We have added a page for IASB Meeting Dates and the agenda of the upcoming meeting.

We will also be maintaining a Historical Record of IASB Meeting Agendas.
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IASC Trustees incorporate non-profit foundation, activate new constitution

17 Mar 2001

Meeting on 8 March in Brussels, the Trustees activated Part B of IASC's Constitution and established a non-profit Delaware corporation, named the International Accounting Standards Committee Foundation, to oversee the IASB. .

Meeting on 8 March in Brussels, the Trustees activated Part B of IASC's Constitution and established a non-profit Delaware corporation, named the International Accounting Standards Committee Foundation, to oversee the IASB.

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IASB will relocate to new offices in London

16 Mar 2001

In early June, the IASB will relocate to new offices at 30 Cannon Street in the City of London. .

In early June, the IASB will relocate to new offices at 30 Cannon Street in the City of London.

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Foreign SEC issuers may have to file electronically by year end

10 Mar 2001

From a Speech by SEC Commissioner Isaac C.

Hunt, Jr.:

I believe we have fallen behind in the area of EDGAR. It has been almost five years since all filings by domestic public companies have been accessible through EDGAR, yet foreign issuers are still not required to file through EDGAR. Foreign issuers compete with domestic issuers to raise capital in our markets, their securities trade in our markets, and yet U.S. investors do not have the same access to material information filed by these issuers.... It is my hope that, by the end of this year, all Forms 3, 4, and 5 [insider securities sales], as well as all foreign issuer filings, will be filed through EDGAR and available on our website.

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Implementation guidance on six new Hong Kong standards modelled on IAS

09 Mar 2001

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu has published a 46 page book, Implementing Hong Kong GAAP: The Challenges for 2001, that highlights, for preparers of financial statements, the potential impact of six new Standards that are closely modelled on the equiivalent IAS.

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