
FASB (old) Image

FASB goes it alone on accounting for repurchase agreements (repos)

29 Jul 2010

At its meeting held on 28 July 2010, the FASB chairman announced that he added a limited scope project to the FASB's agenda to improve accounting for repurchase agreements (repos) or other agreements that both entitle and obligate the transferor to repurchase or redeem financial assets before their maturity.

Although this is not a joint project with the IASB, the FASB intends to consider how the proposed improvements are similar to or different from IFRS.

When the IASB and FASB decided in June 2010 to amend their convergence workplan, the IASB's derecognition project was removed from the current priority list to be reconsidered again sometime after June 2011. Prior to this workplan change, the IASB had issued ED/2009/3 Derecognition, which would have changed the way in which repos where accounted for, proposing to treat these transactions as sale transactions.

Constituents overwhelmingly disagreed with the proposed approach as described in the ED, noting these transactions were almost universally perceived as financing and that their treatment as sale transactions would increase volatility in profit or loss that had no economic substance. The IASB and FASB had also debated alternative accounting treatments for repos in light of this constituent feedback before deferring the project.

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Canada Image

Canada proposes a two-year delay in IFRS implementation for rate-regulated activities

29 Jul 2010

During the Board meeting in July 2010 the IASB noted that it seemed unlikely for the Board to reach a decision concerning the accounting for rate-regulated activities that would allow a solution to be found in time for the adoption of IFRSs by Canada.

The IASB considered four alternatives of how to move forward with the project:
  • a "fast-tracked" standard,
  • an interim solution for pending initial adopters of IFRS while later considering a longer term solution,
  • an amendment to IFRS 1 to permit the continued use of previous national GAAP for rate regulated activities for first time adopters, or
  • continue with the existing project under its current timeframe.
The IASB finally agreed to continue its current project under the existing timeframe without amending IFRS 1.

The Canadian Accounting Standards Board (AcSB) has now reacted by proposing a two-year delay in IFRS implementation for qualifying entities with rate-regulated activities since "Financial statement preparers in Canada currently recognizing regulatory assets and regulatory liabilities require certainty about how they should account for the effects of the actions of their rate regulator when adopting IFRSs for the first time." The new implementation date would be 1 January 2013, with earlier application permitted.

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International Auditing (lt green) Image

IAASB Chairman reappointed

29 Jul 2010

The Board of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) has reappointed Prof. Arnold Schilder to lead the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB).

The IAASB is the independent standard-setting board supported by IFAC. Prof. Schilder's reappointment is for the period 2012–2014.


Click for IFAC press release (link to IFAC website). Background information about the IAASB is available on our IAASB page.

Deloitte (old) Image
United Kingdom Image

Stay Tuned Online – IFRS and UK GAAP update

29 Jul 2010

The Deloitte London IFRS Centre of Excellence is running a series of hour-long Internet-based financial reporting updates, aimed at helping finance teams keep up to speed with IFRSs and other financial reporting issues.

Each update lasts no more than an hour, and sessions are normally held three times a year, approximately at the end of March, July, and November. We intend to make a recording of each session available on IAS Plus for a period of at least four months from the date of the presentation. The topics covered in the July 2010 webcast:
  • Latest IFRS developments
  • IFRS 3(2008) – now in force
  • ED/2010/6 Revenue from Contracts with Customers
  • New UK Corporate Governance Code
  • Other UK GAAP developments
To access the recording Click Here. There is a permanent link on our UK Country Page.


IASB (International Accounting Standards Board) (blue) Image

IASB targets analyst views in fair value measurement questionnaire

28 Jul 2010

The IASB has published a questionnaire for financial statement users on its June 2010 exposure draft ED/2010/7 Measurement Uncertainty Analysis Disclosure for Fair Value Measurements - Limited re-exposure of proposed disclosure.

The ED proposes that companies disclose sensitivity information ('measurement uncertainty analysis') about all 'Level 3' fair value measurements included in financial statements - not just for financial instruments, but also other items such as investment properties, biological assets and property, plant and equipment measured on the revaluation basis.

The questionnaire is targeted at users of financial statements, particularly analysts, and requests feedback in areas such as:

  • The usefulness of 'measurement uncertainty analysis' to different categories of assets and liabilities
  • How measurement uncertainty analysis information is used - 'worst case' or 'best case' scenarios, or for other uses
  • Whether information presented by class of asset and liability is sufficient
  • Additional disclosures that would be useful.

The deadline to complete the questionnaire is 7 September 2010. The questionnaire can be accessed on the IASB website. More information on the proposals is available in our IFRS in Focus newsletter (PDF 60k) and our Fair value measurement project page.

Canada Image

Canadian guide on IFRS transition

28 Jul 2010

The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA) has published The IFRS Changeover: A Guide for Users of Financial Reports. The guide is designed to help users of external financial reports better understand the potential impacts of Canada's transition to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Deloitte (Canada) Partner, Peter Chant, participated in the preparation of the publication.

The guide has been published by the CICA's Canadian Performance Reporting Board and is available online at More information on IFRS in Canada can be found on our Canada country page.

Bhutan Image

Accounting & Auditing Standards Board in Bhutan

28 Jul 2010

The lhengye zhungtshog (cabinet) of Bhutan has approved the formation of an accounting and auditing standards board of Bhutan (AASBB) on 26 July.

The board will set Bhutanese accounting and auditing standards in line with international standards. So far there is no defined Bhutanese GAAP. The provision of the Companies Act of Bhutan (2000) that listed companies must present their financial statements in compliance with GAAP is usually construed to mean India GAAP. The AASBB will also develop plans for the formation of chartered institutes and chartered accountants qualification in the country and harmonise financial reporting formats.
XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) (mid blue) Image

Illustrative Examples in XBRL for the IFRS Taxonomy 2010

27 Jul 2010

The IFRS Foundation has published illustrative examples in eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) for the IFRS Taxonomy 2010.

The purpose of these examples is to illustrate the use of the IFRS Taxonomy in financial statements, in accordance with the XBRL architecture outlined in The IFRS Taxonomy Guide. Click Here to access the illustrative examples in XBRL on the Foundation's website.


EFRAG (European Financial Reporting Advisory Group) (dk green) Image

Updated EFRAG 'endorsement status report'

27 Jul 2010

The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) has updated its report showing the status of endorsement, under the EU Accounting Regulation, of each IFRS, including standards, interpretations, and amendments.

Click to download the Endorsement Status Report as of 26 July 2010 (PDF 122k). Currently, the following two IASB pronouncements await endorsement action:
  • IFRS 9 Financial Instruments
  • Improvements to IFRSs
You can always find the endorsement status report Here.


Heads Up Image

Heads Up on PCAOB confirmation proposals

27 Jul 2010

Further to our story of 13 July, Deloitte (United States) has published a new Heads Up newsletter (PDF 128k) discussing the United States Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) proposed auditing standard, Confirmation (Release No. 2010-003).

The proposed standard would supersede PCAOB AU Section 330, The Confirmation Process, which establishes the requirements for and provides guidance on the confirmation process in audits.

An extract from the newsletter:

It appears likely that the provisions in the proposed standard expanding required confirmation procedures will result in (1) an overall increase in confirmation requests being sent by auditors and therefore needing to be responded to by confirming parties and (2) requests being made of confirming parties for confirmation of data or information that may not have been historically requested.

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