
IASC Foundation (blue) Image

Two appointed as IASC Foundation vice chairs

18 May 2010

Following recommendation by the IASC Foundation Trustees, the IASCF Monitoring Board has approved the appointment of two current IASCF Trustees as Vice-Chairs of the Trustees, for three-year terms: Tsuguoki (Aki) Fujinuma of Japan and Robert R. Glauber of the United States.

  • Tsuguoki (Aki) Fujinuma of Japan is Past Chairman and President, Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants, and Former President of IFAC (International Federation of Accountants).
  • Robert R Glauber is currently a Lecturer at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government and was a Visiting Professor at Harvard Law School. Previously, he served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of NASD (now FINRA), the private-sector regulator of the US securities markets, and as Under Secretary of the Treasury for Finance.
  • Click for:


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    Notes from May 2010 IASB meeting day 1

    18 May 2010

    The IASB is holding its May 2010 monthly Board meeting at its offices in London on Monday to Thursday, 17-20 May 2010. Portions of the meeting are joint meetings with FASB.

    Click to go to the preliminary and unofficial Notes Taken by Deloitte Observers at the Meeting.


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    Newsletter on employee benefits exposure draft

    17 May 2010

    Deloitte's IFRS Global Office has published an IAS Plus Update Newsletter – Closing the Corridor – IASB Proposes Significant Changes to Pension Accounting.

    On 29 April 2010, the IASB issued an exposure draft (ED) of proposed amendments to IAS 19 Employee Benefits. Among the amendments proposed to IAS 19 are:
    • Immediate recognition of all estimated changes in the cost of providing defined benefits and all changes in the value of plan assets. This would eliminate the various methods currently in IAS 19, including the 'corridor' method, that allow deferral of some of those gains or losses.
    • A new presentation approach that would clearly distinguish between different types of gains and losses arising from defined benefit plans. Specifically, the ED proposes that the following changes in benefit costs should be presented separately:
      • service cost – in profit or loss
      • finance cost (that is, net interest on the net defined benefit liability) – as part of finance costs in profit or loss
      • remeasurement – in other comprehensive income
      Comment deadline on the ED Defined Benefit Plans is 6 September 2010.

    Click for IAS Plus Newsletter: Closing the Corridor — IASB Proposes Significant Changes to Pension Accounting



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    Revised agenda for May 2010 IASB meeting

    15 May 2010

    The IASB has revised the agenda for its monthly meeting for May 2010, which we had previously posted on 8 May.

    The meeting will be held at the IASB's offices in London on Monday to Thursday 17-20 May 2010 (no meeting on Friday 21 May). Portions of the meeting are joint meetings with FASB. The meeting will be open to public observation and will be webcast. Presented below is the revised agenda for the meeting.

    IASB Board Meeting Revised Agenda17-20 May 2010, London

    Monday 17 May 2010

    IASB-FASB Joint Meeting (13:00-15:00pm London Time)

    Tuesday 18 May 2010

    IASB-FASB Joint Meeting (08:00-18:30pm London Time)

    Wednesday 19 May 2010

    IASB-FASB Joint Meeting (08:00-13:15pm London Time)

    IASB Meeting (14:00-17:30pm London Time)

    Thursday 20 May 2010

    IASB Meeting (09:30-14:45pm London Time)

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    IASB/IASCF complete another IFRS for SMEs workshop

    14 May 2010

    The IASB and IASCF have completed the third three-day workshop to 'train the trainers' on the IFRS for Small and Medium-sized Entities.

    The workshop was sponsored by the Eastern, Central and Southern African Federation of Accountants (ECSAFA) and hosted in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, by the National Board of Accountants and Auditors of Tanzania. It was funded, in part, by The World Bank. Instructors were Paul Pacter, the IASB's Director of Standards for SMEs (and Board Member-designate), and Michael Wells, Director of the IASCF's IFRS Education Initiative. There were 100 participants from 10 countries: Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zimbabwe. All participants have committed to organise similar IFRS for SMEs training workshops in their own country. The IASB will provide the training materials and PowerPoint presentations (totalling 24 contact hours) for those workshops. Similar IASB/IASCF workshops are scheduled for Cairo (June 2010) and Panama (October 2010). For more information contact Michael Wells at

    IFRS for Small and Medium-size Entities


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    Newsletter on Improvements to IFRSs 2010

    13 May 2010

    Deloitte's IFRS Global Office has published an IAS Plus Update Newsletter – Improvements to IFRSs 2010.

    On 6 May 2010, the IASB issued Improvements to IFRSs – a collection of amendments to seven IFRSs – as part of its program of annual improvements to its standards. Some of the amendments are effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2011, and others for annual periods beginning 1 July 2010, although entities are generally permitted to adopt them earlier. Sections of the newsletter include:
    • Changes from the exposure draft
    • Amendments likely to significantly change current practice
    • Details of amendments, including effective dates and transition

    Click for IAS Plus Update Newsletter: Improvements to IFRSs 2010

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    Deloitte IASB-FASB 'Financial instruments roundtable'

    13 May 2010

    Deloitte (United States) will hold a roundtable discussion of the joint financial instruments project by the Financial Accounting Standards Board and the International Accounting Standards Board in New York on Monday, 7 June 2010 from 8:30am to 1:00pm (New York time).

    During this roundtable we will provide updates on:
    • FASB's expected ED and the proposed changes to financial instruments accounting, including fair value, impairment, and hedge accounting, resulting from the issuance of the ED
    • IASB's project to replace IAS 39 including IFRS 9 Financial Instruments, and the most recent deliberations on the impairment of financial assets, hedge accounting, and the derecognition ED


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    Upcoming Oil & Gas IFRS training workshop

    13 May 2010

    Deloitte (United States) will present a two-day training workshop titled Oil & Gas IFRS in Houston on 16-17 June 2010. This educational program, which is open to the public, will explore the potential implications of IFRSs for the oil and gas industry, including the IASB's recent Discussion Paper Extractive Activities.

    The keynote speaker will be Glenn Brady, the IASB's project manager on its extractive activities project. Details:
    • Date/Time: Wednesday and Thursday 16-17 June 2010, 8:30am to 5:30pm daily
    • Location: Omni Houston Hotel, Four Riverway, Houston, Texas 77056 USA, phone +1 713 871 8181
    • Fees: US$1,500 per person
    • Registration Information: Click Here
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    Navigating IFRS – two-day executive training programme

    12 May 2010

    Deloitte (United States) will conduct two-day executive training programmes covering key IFRS accounting principles and practical considerations related to IFRS implementation.

    Deloitte IFRS leaders will deliver course sessions that address important technical accounting changes, tax considerations, technology, and systems questions. Dates and locations are:
    • Chicago: 22-23 June 2010, at Deloitte, 111 S. Wacker Drive
    • Houston: 15-16 September 2010, at Deloitte, 1111 Bagby Street
    Click for Brochure with Detailed Programme and Registration Information (PDF 303k).


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    Europe is 'getting impatient' on convergence

    12 May 2010

    In his first speech outside of Europe since taking office as European Commissioner for Internal Market and Service, Michel Barnier spoke yesterday in Washington about the United States and Europe jointly building a new financial framework.

    He said that Europe is getting impatient regarding convergence of IFRSs and US GAAP:

    And let me also briefly mention the issue of accounting standards. I appreciate that the US authorities have made progress towards convergence. But in the EU, we are getting impatient. Going forward, it is crucial that we converge further.

    Click for Mr Barnier's Remarks (PDF 152k). IAS Plus has comprehensive recent and historical news about IFRSs in the European Union Here.

    Correction list for hyphenation

    These words serve as exceptions. Once entered, they are only hyphenated at the specified hyphenation points. Each word should be on a separate line.