
ITCG meeting (mid blue) Image

Summary of the July 2024 ITCG meeting

26 Jul 2024

The IFRS Foundation has published a summary of the IFRS Taxonomy Consultative Group (ITCG) meeting held on 2 July 2024.

The ITCG discussed the following topics:

  • Review of IFRS Taxonomy due process and update on PPA modelling
  • Fieldwork for IFRS Accounting Taxonomy 2024 Proposed Update 1 — IFRS 18 Presentation and Disclosure in Financial Statements
  • The approach to the IFRS Accounting Taxonomy transition for IFRS 18 and approach to taxonomy entry points including the IFRS for SMEs Accounting Standard entry point
  • 2024 US GAAP Meta Model Relationships Taxonomy
  • Update on digital financial reporting activities
  • GRI digital taxonomy briefing—Global Sustainability Standards Board

The meeting summary is available on the IFRS Foun­da­tion website.

EFRAG document (dk green) Image

EFRAG adds new technical explanations on ESRS

26 Jul 2024

EFRAG has added new non-authoritative technical explanations to its compilation of explanations that are intended to assist stakeholders in the implementation of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS).

The new technical explanations comprise of 27 items and are provided as part of EFRAG's role as technical advisor to the European Commission to provide a practical and timely support for preparers and others in the implementation of ESRSs.

For more information, including access to the compilation of all technical explanations published to date, please see the press release on the EFRAG website.

TIG (Transition Implementation Group) (mid blue) Image

ISSB publishes implementation insights podcast

25 Jul 2024

The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) has published its second podcast in a series titled 'ISSB Implementation Insights'. The podcast shares insights from the June 2024 meeting of the Transition Implementation Group on IFRS S1 and IFRS S2 (TIG).

In the podcast, ISSB Vice-Chair Sue Lloyd, ISSB member Veronika Pountcheva and an ISSB staff member discuss the key points from the questions from the meeting. 

The TIG discussed:

  • Revision of preceding period estimated amounts when estimating information from an entity in the value chain
  • Application of the requirements on comparative information when acquiring or disposing of a subsidiary

Please click to access the podcast via the press release on the IFRS Foundation website.



IASB document (blue) Image

IASB proposes amendments regarding translations to a hyperinflationary presentation currency

25 Jul 2024

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has published an exposure draft IASB/ED/2024/4 'Translation to a Hyperinflationary Presentation Currency (Proposed amendments to IAS 21)'. Comments are requested by 22 November 2024.



In June 2022, the IFRS Interpretations Committee (IFRS IC) discussed a request about the accounting applied by a parent, whose functional currency is the currency of a hyperinflationary economy, when it consolidates a subsidiary, whose functional currency is the currency of a non-hyperinflationary economy. Through research on this matter, the Committee also became aware of a related matter, where an entity that has a non-hyperinflationary functional currency presents its financial statements in hyperinflationary presentation currency.

The Committee decided to refer the matter to the IASB by recommending that the IASB develop a narrow-scope amendment that provides a relevant translation method applicable to address the original question asked to the Committee and the related matter. The IASB now proposes amendments to IAS 21 to address the matters.


Suggested changes

The proposed amendments in exposure draft IASB/ED/2024/4 Translation to a Hyperinflationary Presentation Currency (Proposed amendments to IAS 21) are:

  • When an entity translates amounts from a functional currency that is the currency of a non-hyperinflationary economy to a presentation currency that is the currency of a hyperinflationary economy, the entity translates those amounts, including comparative amounts, using the closing rate at the date of the most recent statement of financial position; and
  • the entity would have to disclose that it has applied the method, including summarised financial information about its foreign operations translated applying the proposed translation method; it would also have to disclose if the economy concerned ceased to be hyperinflationary.

The exposure draft also proposes that there should be no disclosure reliefs for entities applying IFRS 19 Subsidiaries without Public Accountability: Disclosures.

      Comments on the proposed changes are requested by 22 November 2024.


      Effective date and transition

      The exposure draft does not specify an effective date for the amendments. The effective date will be decided when the IASB redeliberates the proposals. However, the exposure draft notes that entities would be required to apply the amendments retrospectively and would be permitted to apply them before the effective date.


        Additional information

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        IASB webcast Image

        Webcast on implementing IFRS 19

        24 Jul 2024

        The IASB has released a twenty-minute webcast offering an overview of the new accounting standard and its benefits for eligible subsidiaries as well as practical insights into its implementation.

        The discussion features perspectives from both Global Preparers Forum (GPF) and IASB members.

        Please click to access the webcast on the IFRS Foundation website.

        CMAC meeting (mid blue) Image
        GPF meeting (mid blue) Image

        Summary of the June 2024 joint CMAC-GPF meeting

        23 Jul 2024

        Representatives from the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) met with both the Capital Markets Advisory Council (CMAC) and Global Preparers Forum (GPF) on 13–14 June 2024 by video conference call and in the IFRS Foundation's office in London. A meeting summary from the joint meeting have now been released.

        The topics discussed at the meeting included:

        • Intangible assets
        • Statement of cash flows and related matters
        • IFRS 19 update
        • Exposure Draft Business Combinations — Disclosures, Goodwill and Impairment
        • Exposure Draft Contracts for Renewable Electricity

        For more in­for­ma­tion, see the meeting page and the meeting summary on the IFRS Foundation's website.

        ISSB meeting Image

        Pre-meeting summaries for the July 2024 ISSB meeting

        19 Jul 2024

        The IASB will meet in Montreal on 24-25 July 2024. We have posted our pre-meeting summaries for the meeting that allow you to follow the ISSB’s decision making more closely. We summarised the agenda papers made available by the ISSB staff and point out the main issues to be discussed by the ISSB and the staff recommendations.

        The following topics are on the agenda:

        Supporting implementation of IFRS S1 and IFRS S2: The ISSB will have the opportunity to ask questions or make comments on the summary of the June 2024 meeting of the Transition Implementation Group on IFRS S1 and IFRS S2.

        Work plan: The ISSB will discuss how to embed interoperability in the ISSB’s ongoing activities and will receive an overview of the design and approach for the new research projects on biodiversity, ecosystems and ecosystem services, and human capital.

        Maintenance of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) standards: The staff will set out the overall approach to enhancing the SASB standards during the next two years.

        Our pre-meeting summaries is available on our July meeting notes page and will be supplemented with our popular meeting notes after the meeting.

        DPOC meeting (mid blue) Image

        Summary of the May 2024 DPOC meeting

        19 Jul 2024

        The Due Process Oversight Committee (DPOC) met via video conference call on 29 May 2024. A summary of the meeting is now available.

        The DPOC discussed the ISSB’s Consultation on Agenda Priorities and covered the agenda consultation process, the methodology of the Request for Information, feedback from stakeholders and the ISSB’s responses, and a review of the due process done.

        Please click to access the summary on the IFRS Foun­da­tion website.

        IASB meeting (blue) Image

        Pre-meeting summaries for the July 2024 IASB meeting

        19 Jul 2024

        The IASB will meet in London on 22-24 July 2024. We have posted our pre-meeting summaries for the meeting that allow you to follow the IASB’s decision making more closely. We summarised the agenda papers made available by the IASB staff and point out the main issues to be discussed by the IASB and the staff recommendations.

        The following topics are on the agenda:

        Post-implementation review (PIR) of IFRS 15: The IASB will be asked to make the final decisions with regard to the PIR of IFRS 15 and determine the next steps.

        Second comprehensive review of the IFRS for SMEs Accounting Standard: The IASB will make decisions on impairment of financial instruments, financial guarantee contracts and sweep issues. The staff is asking the IASB to give permission for balloting the final standard.

        Rate-regulated activities: The staff will ask that the IASB make decisions on extending the measurement proposals on items affecting regulated rates on a cash basis to other items, transition requirements and the effective date of the new standard. They also ask the IASB to give permission to ballot the final standard.

        Dynamic risk management (DRM): The IASB will discuss applicable risk management activities for the DRM model. The staff also recommend that application of the model is optional.

        Financial instruments with characteristics of equity: The staff will present a summary of the feedback received from users of financial statements in response to the exposure draft and will set out a project plan for the amendments to IAS 32. No decisions will be asked of the IASB.

        Maintenance and consistent application: IASB members will be asked whether they object to an agenda decision of the IFRS Interpretations Committee on disclosure of revenues and expenses for reportable segments (IFRS 8).

        Our pre-meeting summaries is available on our July meeting notes page and will be supplemented with our popular meeting notes after the meeting.

        IASB document (blue) Image

        IASB finalises volume 11 of annual improvements

        18 Jul 2024

        The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has published 'Annual Improvements to IFRS Accounting Standards — Volume 11'. It contains amendments to five standards as result of the IASB's annual improvements project. The amendments are effective for annual reporting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2026.

        The IASB uses the annual improvements process to make necessary, but non-urgent, amendments to IFRSs that will not be included as part of another major project.

        The pronouncement comprises the following amendments:

        Standard Subject of amendment
        IFRS 1 First-time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards Hedge accounting by a first-time adopter. The amendment addresses a potential confusion arising from an inconsistency in wording between paragraph B6 of IFRS 1 and requirements for hedge accounting in IFRS 9 Financial Instruments.
        IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures Gain or loss on derecognition. The amendment addresses a potential confusion in paragraph B38 of IFRS 7 arising from an obsolete reference to a paragraph that was deleted from the standard when IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement was issued.
        IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures (implementation guidance only)
        Disclosure of deferred difference between fair value and transaction price. The amendment addresses an inconsistency between paragraph 28 of IFRS 7 and its accompanying implementation guidance that arose when a consequential amendment resulting  from the issuance  of IFRS 13 was made to paragraph 28, but not to the corresponding paragraph in the implementation guidance.
        IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures (implementation guidance only) Introduction and credit risk disclosures. The amendment addresses a potential confusion by clarifying in paragraph IG1 that the guidance does not necessarily illustrate all the requirements in the referenced paragraphs of IFRS 7 and by simplifying some explanations.
        IFRS 9 Financial Instruments Lessee derecognition of lease liabilities. The amendment addresses a potential lack of clarity in the application of the requirements in IFRS 9 to account for an extinguishment of a lessee’s lease liability that arises because paragraph 2.1(b)(ii) of IFRS 9 includes a cross-reference to paragraph 3.3.1, but not also to paragraph 3.3.3 of IFRS 9.
        IFRS 9 Financial Instruments Transaction price. The amendment addresses a potential confusion arising from a reference in Appendix A to IFRS 9 to the definition of ‘transaction price’ in IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers while term ‘transaction price’ is used in particular paragraphs of IFRS 9 with a meaning that is not necessarily consistent with the definition of that term in IFRS 15.
        IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements Determination of a ‘de facto agent’. The amendment addresses a potential confusion arising from an inconsistency between paragraphs B73 and B74 of IFRS 10 related to an investor determining whether another party is acting on its behalf by aligning the language in both paragraphs.
        IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows Cost method. The amendment addresses a potential confusion in applying paragraph 37 of IAS 7 that arises from the use of the term ‘cost method’ that is no longer defined in IFRS Accounting Standards.

        The amendments are effective for annual reporting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2026 with earlier application permitted.

        The amendments do not include transition requirements, other than that an entity is required to apply the amendment to IFRS 9:2.1(b)(ii) to lease liabilities that are extinguished on or after the beginning of the annual reporting period in which the entity first applies that amendment.

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