GRI update — May 2012

  • GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) (green) Image

11 May 2012

The Global Reporting Initiative has released updates on various sustainability reporting matters, including the forthcoming G4 guidelines, a new sector supplement and the impact of regulation on sustainability reporting.

The updates include:

  • 'G4' guidelines - the GRI has analysed 17 possible topics which may be incorporated into the next edition of its guidelines.  The GRI concluded 8 topics are either sector-specific, or will be covered by current G4 related work, working groups formed for four topics (anti-corruption, biodiversity, occupational health and safety and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions), and investigation continued on five other topics (life cycle analysis (LCA), chemicals of concern, water, disabled persons’ rights and children’s rights). The GRI is also considering the impact of the G4 guidelines on sector supplements
  • Media sector guidance - A media sector supplement to the G3 guidelines has been published
  • Impact of regulation on sustainability reporting - measures taken by stock exchanges, governments and other regulators are having a positive effect on sustainability reporting worldwide, according to an analysis of the GRI's database of sustainability reports.

All the latest updates from GRI can be found on the GRI website.

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