Accounting alert — March 2013

Published on: 13 Mar 2013

Simple reporting format

Progress on the new financial reporting framework continues apace. The New Zealand External Reporting Board (XRB) has issued exposure drafts of the simple format reporting standards that will apply to public benefit entities. These standards are designed to be simple to use with the requirements for each tier incorporated in a single standard supported by (optional) “fill-in-the-box” templates in excel and guidance notes on how to complete the templates.

Proposed legislative changes mean that many not-for-profit entities, such as charities, will be required to prepare financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting practice (GAAP) once the legislation is passed. The simple format reporting standards will apply to these entities if their expenses are less than $2 million.

Submissions on the standards that are proposed to apply for public benefit entities in the public sector are due by 28 March 2013. As this will be the first time many not-for-profit entities will have to comply with GAAP, a longer submission deadline has been provided – 28 June 2013. The Accounting Alert that can be downloaded below summarises the proposed requirements for reporting in accordance with the simple format standards.

We also report on a number of recent developments in financial reporting.

Topics in this issue

  • Financial Reporting Framework – exposure drafts issued on the 'simple format reporting' standards that will apply to public benefit entities (PBEs)
  • Investment entities amendments (update)
  • IASB defers key projects
  • Proposed changes to impairment disclosures
  • Proposed scope amendment for IFRS 11 Joint Arrangements
  • Proposed clarification on when unrealised profits are eliminated when using equity accounting
  • Proposed clarification regarding depreciation and amortisation methods
  • Proposed changes to financial instruments standards
  • IFRS 13: Fair value measurement guidance


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Correction list for hyphenation

These words serve as exceptions. Once entered, they are only hyphenated at the specified hyphenation points. Each word should be on a separate line.