SEC Staff Provides Observations From Review of Interactive Data Financial Statements

Published on: 03 Nov 2010

The staff of the SEC's Division of Risk, Strategy, and Financial Innovation (the “staff”) completed a review of registrants’ submissions under the SEC’s rules on interactive data (XBRL) for financial reporting. The staff used data analysis tools to survey the entire population (June through August 2010) of filings and data points. The staff also used the data analysis tools to review details of specific filings and tags on a targeted basis, when appropriate.

The staff encourages registrants to consider its observations in the preparation of future filings as the phase-in of the interactive data requirements continues. Although the staff’s observations represent the most common and significant issues from the filings analyzed, they do not reflect all issues identified. In addition, the staff’s observations, which the SEC neither approved nor disapproved, solely represent the views of the staff and are not to be viewed as rules, regulations, or statements of the SEC.

The staff’s observations are available on the Division’s Web site.

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