Fair Value — FASB Proposes to Defer Requirement to Disclose Certain Information About Nonpublic Employee Benefit Plans

Published on: 02 May 2013

This week, the FASB issued a proposed ASU1 that would indefinitely defer a requirement for nonpublic  employee benefit plans2 to disclose quantitative information about significant unobservable inputs used in Level 3 fair value measurements3 of nonpublic entity equity securities issued by the plan sponsor. The proposed deferral would not apply to fair value measurements of securities that are issued by an entity other than the plan sponsor.

Comments on the proposed ASU are due by May 31. The deferral would be effective upon issuance of a final standard, which is expected in June 2013.

Editor’s Note: The FASB is proposing the deferral to give employee benefit plan regulators and stakeholders time to discuss quantitative disclosures as well as the prospect of public dissemination of proprietary information about nonpublic employee benefit plan sponsors.

[1]    FASB Proposed Accounting Standards Update, Deferral of the Effective Date of Certain Disclosures for Nonpublic Employee Benefit Plans in Update No. 2011-04.

[2]    For example, employee benefit plans under which a Form 11-K is not required to be filed with the SEC.

[3]    This requirement in ASC 820-10-50-2(bbb) currently applies to both public and nonpublic entities.

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