Heads Up — Frequently asked questions about the FASB’s new leases standard

Published on: 25 Apr 2017

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Volume 24, Issue 12

by Deloitte & Touche LLP’s National Office, Accounting Services

It’s been over a year since the FASB issued ASU 2016-02, its new standard on accounting for leases (codified in ASC 842). Although the standard will not be effective until 2019, entities have already begun raising implementation issues. In addition, many questions have arisen about the standard’s fundamental concepts, including the definition of a lease, lease payments, and presentation and disclosure.

In this Heads Up, we share our perspectives on such topics and address FAQs about the standard. We have also included several Driving Discussions to highlight certain key issues related to the new guidance, some of which remain unresolved as of the issuance date of this publication.

For a comprehensive overview of ASU 2016-02, see Deloitte’s March 1, 2016, Heads Up.

The full text of the Heads Up is available below.


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