United Arab Emirates

United Arab Emirates Image

Financial Reporting Framework in the United Arab Emirates

Abu Dhabi

Since 2003, all companies listed on the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange (ADX) are required to publish IFRS financial statements. Note that companies from UAE Emirates other than Dubai are listed on the ADX, in addition to Abu Dhabi companies.

All banks in the United Arab Emirates are required by the Central Bank of UAE to publish IFRS financial statements. Although IFRS is not required for unlisted companies other than banks, it is a considered best practice for these companies to adopt IFRSs.


All companies listed on the Dubai Financial Market (DFM) are required to publish IFRS financial statements.

All companies listed on NASDAQ Dubai (formerly the Dubai International Financial Exchange, DIFX) are required to publish IFRS financial statements.

All banks in the United Arab Emirates are required by the Central Bank of UAE to publish IFRS financial statements. Although IFRS is not required for unlisted companies other than banks, it is a considered best practice for these companies to adopt IFRSs.

Correction list for hyphenation

These words serve as exceptions. Once entered, they are only hyphenated at the specified hyphenation points. Each word should be on a separate line.