16-20 October 2001 IASB Meeting, Washington, DC, USA
Start date:
End date:
Location: London
Agenda Meeting with Standards Advisory Council
Tuesday 16 October 2001
SAC Topics (short discussion):
- Convergence
- Present Value
- Reporting on the Internet
- Small Entities and Emerging Economies - Issues for IASB
- Business Combinations
- Reporting Performance
Wednesday 17 October 2001
Discussion of Board Agenda Topics:
- Share-Based Payment
- First-Time Application of IFRS
- IASB Improvements Project
Wednesday 17 October Meeting with the US Financial Accounting Standards Board
Agenda Thursday-Saturday, 18-20 October 2001 IASB Board Meeting
Thursday, 18 October 2001
- Business Combinations
- Interpretations Committee
- Share-Based Payment
- Improvements to IFRS:
- IAS 2, Inventories
- IAS 10, Events After the Balance Sheet Date
- IAS 16, Property, Plant and Equipment
- IAS 24, Related Party Transactions
- Other Issues
- Performance Reporting