FASB Update: Business Combinations - Purchase Method

Date recorded:

The staff provided feedback on the activities of the FASB as regards this project. The staff provided the Board with a summary of issues where the FASB had agreed to incorporate the disclosure requirements into the ED together with those areas where there was disagreement (e.g. pro-forma disclosures, which were rejected on cost benefit grounds). The Board asked the Staff to raise questions for constituents to comment specifically where proposed disclosures presented points of divergence with US GAAP.

A requirement that entities present goodwill by segment was discussed in the context of the IAS 36 requirements which are focussed on cash generating units (rather than segments). The Board requested that the Staff ask the FASB to reconsider this requirement given that even if segments were to be used for impairment testing (as per US GAAP but not IFRS), that the presentation under IAS 14 could require a different allocation.

Correction list for hyphenation

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