Technical Plan

Date recorded:

The Board discussed progress on the IASB work program. The IASB has published the revised technical plan on its website.

On their short-term agenda the Board have extended the timeframe on two projects:

  • Joint ventures: The Board has extended the timeframe for issuing an Exposure Draft (ED) until Q2 of 2007 (from Q4 of 2006). This means that a final IFRS is not expected before 2008.
  • Income tax: An ED is now expected to be issued in Q1 of 2007 (previously was Q3 of 2006). This means that a final IFRS is not expected before 2008.

The Board confirmed that it expects to issue a Discussion Paper on post-retirement benefits (including pensions) in Q3 of 2007. No timing is set for an ED or a final IFRS.

Regarding other projects, the Board noted that dates have been moved for two items:

  • Earnings per share - treasury stock method (IAS 33): An ED will be issued in Q4 of 2006 (previously was Q3 2006), with a final IFRS expected in second half of 2007.
  • First-time adoption - cost of investment in subsidiary (IFRS 1): An ED will be issued in Q4 of 2006 (previously was Q3 2006), with a final IFRS expected in second half of 2007

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