IFRS 5 — Write-down of a disposal group
The IFRIC received a request for guidance on how a disposal group should be recognised at the lower of its carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell when the difference between the carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell exceeds the carrying amount of non-current assets.
The IFRIC noted paragraph 23 of IFRS 5 Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations requires the impairment loss recognised for a disposal group to be allocated to reduce the carrying amount of the non-current assets of the group that are within the measurement requirements of IFRS 5. This can result in a conflict between IFRS 5’s requirement to recognise the disposal group at fair value less costs to sell and its limitation on the assets to which that loss can be allocated. Consequently, the IFRIC noted that divergence could arise in practice.
Decision not to add
November 2009
The IFRIC also noted that the issue could be widespread in the current economic environment. The IFRIC concluded that the issue relates to the basic requirements of IFRS 5 and therefore could not be addressed by an interpretation. For this reason, the IFRIC decided not to add the issue to its agenda. However, the IFRIC recommended that the Board considers an amendment to IFRS 5 to address this issue.
IFRIC reference: IFRS 5-3