IASB holds its first formal Board meeting
18 Apr 2001
The International Accounting Standards Board is holding its inaugural Board meeting on 18-20 April in London.
The Board is expected to decide which topics to put on its initial technical agenda. Click here for a List of Possible Topics that Have Been Proposed for IASB's Agenda. [Note: The list was updated to reflect decisions at the July 2001 IASB meeting.] The Board will also be presented with status reports on the following projects: Present Value, Insurance Contracts, and Reporting Financial Performance. The Board is also asked to approve SIC 26, Property, Plant and Equipment: Incidental Operations. The Board will be asked to consider an Improvements Project to address relatively small topics that can be dealt with quickly. Finally, the Board will be presented a proposed resolution of the IASB to Adopt the Existing IASC Standards and SIC Interpretations.