Comparison of IAS and national GAAP in 53 countries

18 Jan 2001

As part of their commitment to implementing the Vision of the International Forum for Accountancy Development (IFAD), the large accounting firms have published a study, GAAP 2000: A Survey of National Accounting Rules in 53 Countries. The study demonstrates the continuing problems of cross-border interpretation of company financial data.

It provides an overview of some of the differences between national accounting rules and 60 key accounting measures (including a few areas of disclosure) under International Accounting Standards. The study highlights instances where a country's rules at December 2000 would not allow, or would not require, the IAS accounting treatment.

IASC publishes 164 Q&A guidance for IAS 39

16 Jan 2001

IASC has consolidated its first four batches of IAS 39 guidance into a single document with 164 Final IAS 39 Questions and Answers available on the IASC website.

The Q&A; are developed by a committee (chaired by John T. Smith of Deloitte & Touche) and exposed for public comment before final adoption.

New IASPlus page lists IASC comment deadlines

16 Jan 2001

We've added a page listing open IASC Comment Deadlines. .

We've added a page listing open IASC Comment Deadlines.

Financial instruments proposals available electronically

15 Jan 2001

IASC and the other standard setters participating in the Joint Working Group on Financial Instruments have posted a three-part electronic version of the JWG Draft Standard and Basis for Conclusions.

Links to 100 professional accountancy organisations added to our website

13 Jan 2001

We've added Links to the websites of around 100 professional accountancy organisations in 60 countries. .

We've added Links to the websites of around 100 professional accountancy organisations in 60 countries.

Comparison of European accounting standards setters is published

12 Jan 2001

A study published by the European Federation of Accountants (FEE) provides background information on the accounting standard setting bodies in Europe and compares them on a number of points.

Click for Accounting Standard Setting in Europe (PDF 209k). Go to FEE Website.

FASB drops proposal to align consolidation policies with IAS 27

12 Jan 2001

The Financial Accounting Standards Board has been working since 1982 to revise the US standard on consolidation, adopted in 1959. Both FASB's 1995 exposure draft and its 1999 revised exposure draft would have moved the US from "majority voting interest" to "control" as the basic principle for consolidation.

Control is the principle in IAS 27 and most national standards. FASB has also been developing an exposure draft on consolidation of special purpose entities, a matter addressed in SIC 12. However, FASB has just announced that "there is not sufficient Board member support to proceed with either a final statement on consolidation policy, or an exposure draft on entities with specific limits on their powers (SPEs)".

SEC official proposes a way toward international convergence

11 Jan 2001

Excerpt from Remarks (PDF 75k) by Jackson M.

Day, Deputy Chief Accountant of the US SEC, on January 8, 2001:

The staff believes that the one way to deal with the reconciling items we commonly see today is for the recently enhanced IASC to set an initial agenda in cooperation with the national standards setting bodies, which would result in the identification of the reconciling items which are most common and for which the greatest diversity exists, and then the IASC and national standard setters converge on the highest possible standard. That would in and of itself eliminate some of the items requiring reconciliation today. In the meantime, the staff will continue to take a keen interest in monitoring and supporting this work.

Better site map added to IASPlus website

10 Jan 2001

We've updated the Sitemap to reflect recent changes to the website. .

We've updated the Sitemap to reflect recent changes to the website.

Foundation IASC Trustees invite nominations for Advisory Council

09 Jan 2001

The IASC Foundation Trustees are in process of appointing not only the initial 14-member IASC Board but also a 30-member Standards Advisory Council.

The Advisory Council will meet three times each year to:
  • advise the Board on priorities in the Board's work,
  • inform the Board of the implications of proposed standards for users and preparers of financial statements. and
  • give other advice to the Board or the Trustees. Nominations for Advisory Council membership are invited.

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