IASB's 2003 bound volume of standards is published
20 Apr 2003
The IASB has published its annual Bound Volume of International Financial Reporting Standards.
The 2003 Bound Volume (1,952 pages, price £47,.€75, US$73) contains the full text of all existing IFRS and Interpretations, plus the IAS 39 Implementation Guidance Q&A. A glossary and a history of all IAS/IFRSs are also included. The IASB has also published an Abbreviated Text of IFRS 2003 (412 pages, price £20,.€32, US$31) suitable for students and others who want a concise introduction to IFRS. Both books may be ordered on IASB's Website or by telephone (+44 20 7332 2730) or fax (+44 20 7332 2749). Press Release (PDF 14k).