McCreevy discusses convergence, equivalence

  • European Union (old) Image

29 Apr 2005

In a (PDF 92k) on the integration of Europe's financial markets and international cooperation in New York on 20 April 2005, EC Internal Markets Commissioner Charlie McCreevy discussed, among other things, the reconciliation from IFRS to US GAAP, accounting convergence, the internal control provisions of Section 404 of the Sarbanes Oxley Act, and deregistration.

An excerpt:

The goal must be mutual recognition of equivalence. You can also call it the home-country principle. If you agree to accept each other's system as equivalent then duplicative requirements disappear. You can then operate in the other country under the rules of your home country. I think we should find more areas in our transatlantic relation where we can apply this principle. In accounting, in insurance, for securities markets and in all the other financial regulation.

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