Agenda for ARC meeting May 2005

  • European Union (old) Image

22 Apr 2005

The Accounting Regulatory Committee of the European Commission will meet in Brussels on 20 May 2005.

The Published Agenda (PDF 17k) includes the following IFRS-related items:

  • Formal vote on adoption of amendments to IAS 39 and SIC-12
  • Formal vote on adoption of IFRS 6, Amendment to IAS 19, IFRIC 4, and IFRIC 5
  • Information about the state of play on IFRIC 3 (EFRAG has recommended that the Commission not adopt IFRIC 3 for use in Europe)
  • Acceptance of IFRSs in the US capital markets and the Constitutional review of the IASCF
  • IFRSs and European Official Statistics – presentation by Eurostat
  • IASB's Project to Develop Accounting Standards for SMEs – discussion of the Commission's draft reply to the IASB questionnaire


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