IOSCO initiative on cross-border cooperation

  • IOSCO (International Organization of Securities Commissions) (dark gray) Image

07 Feb 2005

The International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) has launched an initiative to raise the standards of cross-border cooperation among securities regulators.

IOSCO's Press Release (PDF 233k) states that the initiative will involve a four-part process:
  • 1. Identifying jurisdictions that appear to be unable or unwilling to cooperate, and prioritising follow-up work with the jurisdictions presenting the greatest risks to IOSCO's objectives of investor protection, maintenance of fair and efficient markets, and financial stability.
  • 2. Entering into a dialogue (initially confidential) with priority jurisdictions to develop a mutual understanding of their ability and willingness to engage in cooperation and to assist them in resolving problems.
  • 3. Assessing progress in meeting IOSCO standards for cooperation.
  • 4. Considering further actions that will achieve conformity with IOSCO standards.

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