Round-tables on 'Business Combinations Phase 2'

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04 Nov 2005

The IASB has released a List of Participants (PDF 9k) in the public round-table meetings to be held on 9 November 2005 on the Board's Business Combinations Phase II Proposals.

The meeting is divided into three sessions (08:45-11:00, 11:30-13:45, and 14:15-16:30). The IASB and the US FASB issued identical exposure drafts, and the FASB held a similar round-table meeting with respondents to its exposure drafts on 27 October 2005. Ken Wild, Deloitte's Global IFRS Leader, will discuss (PDF 103k) at the 08:45am session. Our views on related amendments to IAS 19, IAS 27, and IAS 37 can be found Here.

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