CESR studies public access to IFRS reports

  • European Union (old) Image

16 Feb 2006

The Committee of European Securities Regulators (CESR) is studying the appropriate mechanism for making the financial reports of European listed companies available electronically throughout the European Union.

Such reports would include annual, semi-annual, and other interim reports (which include IFRS financial statements), as well as reports of major holdings and insider information. Adoption of such a pan-European storage and retrieval mechanism is part of the process for implementing the 'Transparency Directive'. CESR will make a recommendation to the European Commission, with a goal of having an interim system in place by January 2007. CESR has issued: Responses to the Consultation Document are due by 31 March 2006 via CESR's Website. CESR will hold an open hearing on the issues on 2 March 2006 at CESR's office in Paris.

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