EC's Accounting Regulatory Committee agenda

  • European Union (old) Image

11 Jun 2006

The Accounting Regulatory Committee, which makes recommendations to the European Commission on accounting matters, will meet in Brussels on 7 July 2006. The (PDF 17k) includes the following IASB-related items: Consistent application of IFRSs IFRIC working procedures and due process Equivalence between IFRS and third country GAAP, in particular US GAAP - "postponement of the equivalence decision" (PDF 28k) and (PDF 30k). IASB financing Consolidation and language revision of endorsed IFRSs Creation of the High Level Group Service concession arrangements Segmental reporting .

The Accounting Regulatory Committee, which makes recommendations to the European Commission on accounting matters, will meet in Brussels on 7 July 2006. The (PDF 17k) includes the following IASB-related items:

  • Consistent application of IFRSs
  • IFRIC working procedures and due process
  • Equivalence between IFRS and third country GAAP, in particular US GAAP - "postponement of the equivalence decision"
  • IASB financing
  • Consolidation and language revision of endorsed IFRSs
  • Creation of the High Level Group
  • Service concession arrangements
  • Segmental reporting

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