IOSCO seeks views on hedge funds

  • IOSCO (International Organization of Securities Commissions) (dark gray) Image

09 Mar 2006

The Technical Committee of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) has released a Consultation Report on The Regulatory Environment for Hedge Funds (PDF 383k).

The report presents the results of a survey of 20 IOSCO member jurisdictions on various aspects of hedge funds, including prevalence and size, investment strategies, definitions, registration, disclosure, advertising, reporting, examination, and disciplinary actions. In the areas of disclosure and reporting, the questionnaire asked about:
  • Disclosure: Whether an offering memorandum and minimum disclosure must be provided to retail investors; whether hedge funds must disclose investment limits, leverage, etc.; and whether warnings are required.
  • Reporting Requirements: Periodic and annual reporting and disclosure requirements regarding investment performance and underlying investments; and valuation issues.
IOSCO seeks comments by 31 May 2006 on the accuracy and implications of the hedge fund trends as reported in the survey. The IASB has a project on Investment Entities on its research agenda.

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