Historical data about the old IASC

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11 Nov 2006

We have added a page of Historical Information about the International Accounting Standards Committee.

The IASC was the IASB's predecessor from 1973 to March 2001. The historical information about the IASC on that page is based on tables prepared for The International Accounting Standards Committee: A Political History, by Robert J Kirsch, forthcoming from CCH, part of Wolters Kluwer (UK) Ltd, publication expected 4th quarter 2006. We are grateful to the author and publisher for permission to post this information. The tables include:
  • IASC Voting Requirements
  • Dates and Locations of Meetings of the IASC Full Committee (1973-1977) and Board (1977-2000)
  • Duration of IASC Board Meetings Per Year
  • IASC Expenditure
  • IASC Revenue by Source as Per Cent of Total
  • Chairmen of the IASC
  • IASC Secretaries (to 1983) and Secretaries-General (from 1984)
  • Location and Size of IASC-IASB Offices
You will also find historical information about the IASC, including Exposure Drafts and final Standards and Interpretations issued year by year, on our Chronology Page.

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