IASB posts latest draft of SME exposure draft

  • IFRS for SMEs (mid blue) Image

10 Nov 2006

The International Accounting Standards Board has posted the latest staff draft of an exposure draft of an International Financial Reporting Standard for Small and Medium-sized Entities (SMEs).

The draft is posted as two files:
  • The draft IFRS and a draft Invitation to Comment
  • Draft implementation guidance in the form of Illustrative Financial Statements and a Disclosure Checklist
The Board has not completed its consideration of the text, and further changes will be made to this draft before the Board publishes the exposure draft for public comment later this year. The draft is being made publicly available to keep interested parties up to date with progress on the project. The IASB does not request comments on this draft, and the staff will not be in a position to consider or respond to any comments. Here is the Link to the SME Page on IASB's Website where you can download the latest SME drafts.

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