New Deloitte Guide to IAS 34

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13 Jun 2007

The Deloitte IFRS Global Office has published the 2007 edition of Interim Financial Reporting: A Guide to IAS 34.

IAS 34 prescribes the minimum content for an interim financial report, and the principles for recognition and measurement in financial statements for a financial reporting period shorter than a full financial year. This guide provides an overview of the Standard, application guidance and examples, a model interim financial report, and an IAS 34 compliance checklist. Click to Download the Deloitte Guide to IAS 34  (PDF 531k, June 2007, 60 pages).

Contents of the Deloitte Guide to IAS 34

  • 1. Introduction and scope
  • 2. Content of an interim financial report
  • 3. Condensed or complete interim financial statements
  • 4. Selected explanatory notes
  • 5. Accounting policies for interim reporting
  • 6. General principles for recognition and measurement
  • 7. Applying the recognition and measurement principles
  • 8. Impairment of assets
  • 9. Measuring interim income tax expense
  • 10. Earnings per share
  • 11. First-time adoption of IFRSs
  • Model interim financial report
  • IAS 34 compliance checklist

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