IFAC survey on the financial reporting 'supply chain'

  • IFAC (International Federation of Accountants) (lt gray) Image

05 Jun 2007

The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) has invited all participants in the financial reporting supply chain, including investors and other users of financial reports, standard setters, preparers, auditors, academics, and regulators to complete a global survey designed to obtain information that could strengthen the financial reporting process.

The survey, which may be completed through 6 July 2007, is part of an IFAC project designed to analyse the financial reporting supply chain and to develop recommendations to further improve the quality of financial reporting. Specifically, the survey seeks the views of those in the financial reporting supply chain on corporate governance, financial reporting, and financial auditing and asks what actions they think will further improve the quality of the financial reporting process. The survey will be complemented with a number of in-depth one-on-one interviews. It can be accessed online at www.ifac.org/financialreportingsurvey/. Click for Press Release (PDF 81k).

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