IASCF Trustees announce strategy to enhance governance

  • IASC Foundation (blue) Image

07 Nov 2007

The Trustees of the International Accounting Standards Committee Foundation (IASCF), the oversight body of the IASB, have announced proposals to enhance the organisation's governance arrangements and reinforce the organisation's public accountability.

The Trustees will begin a series of consultations with key stakeholders on these proposals in the build up to the Constitution Review, which is scheduled to start in 2008. Click for IASCF News Release (PDF 55k).

IASCF Governance Proposals

  • Establish a formal reporting link to official organisations: The Trustees should establish a link to a representative group of official organisations, including securities regulators. This body would approve Trustee appointments and review Trustee oversight activities, including the adequacy of the annual funding arrangements as well as the overall budget.
  • Develop a multi-layered, multi-faceted approach to accountability beyond the formal link to official organisations: The Trustees should intensify and deepen their engagement with key stakeholder groups and develop mechanisms for the Trustees to receive input outside formalised procedures. This would necessarily include mechanisms for meeting with official organisations and policymakers and private sector institutions. Furthermore, such accountability would require consideration of the role and structure of the Standards Advisory Council in the organisation's accountability.
  • Create a mechanism for public input to the Trustees outside regularly scheduled meetings with specific stakeholder groups: The Trustees should establish enhanced mechanisms for input from interested parties who wish to comment on the IASC Foundation's and the IASB's policies, processes, and procedures.
  • Continue efforts towards a sustained, broad-based funding regime: Having already significantly broadened the funding base through the new approach adopted in 2006, the Trustees should continue their work to broaden the funding base further.


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