20% of US companies would consider using IFRSs if allowed

  • United States (old) Image

05 Nov 2007

Preliminary results of a new survey by Deloitte & Touche LLP (USA) show that approximately 20 percent of CFOs and senior finance professionals (representing approximately 300 US companies) would consider adopting International Financial Reporting Standards, if given a choice by the US Securities and Exchange Commission.

Approximately two-thirds of those companies would consider adopting IFRSs within the next three years. Survey results also indicate that companies believe their personnel lack sufficient knowledge of IFRSs to make the conversion and to maintain IFRS financial statements, both among domestic and non-US operations. More than half those companies considering IFRS say they lack skilled resources in their US operations, while approximately one-third felt they lacked skilled resources in their non-US operations. Click for Survey Announcement (PDF 23k). A more detailed report on the survey is expected to be available late this month, which we will post on IAS Plus.


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