IAESB issues two Education Practice Statements

  • IFAC (International Federation of Accountants) (lt gray) Image

07 Oct 2007

The International Accounting Education Standards Board (IAESB) has released two new International Education Practice Statements (IEPSs).

The new practice statements assist IFAC members, associates and other educators in developing ethics education programs and in implementing the information technology (IT) knowledge component of a professional accounting education program. The two statements are:
  • IEPS 1 Approaches to Developing and Maintaining Professional Values, Ethics, and Attitudes provides guidance to IFAC members and associates on how to achieve good practice in developing and maintaining professional values, ethics, and attitudes in accordance with the requirements in International Education Standard 4 Professional Values, Ethics and Attitudes. The practice statement identifies a number of methods for the delivery of ethics education, stressing the importance of workplace learning and assessment. It also identifies continuing professional development as the means for member bodies to ensure that professional accountants continue to develop professional values, ethics, and attitudes throughout their careers.
  • IEPS 2 Information Technology for Professional Accountants outlines the knowledge and skills necessary to prepare professional accountants to perform competently in the IT environment.
The two practice statements can be downloaded without charge from the IFAC online bookstore at www.ifac.org/store. Click for Press Release (PDF 55k).

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