Comment deadline on SME Exposure Draft extended

  • IFRS for SMEs (mid blue) Image

21 Sep 2007

At its meeting on 19 September, the IASB agreed to extend the deadline for comments on the proposed IFRS for SMEs to 30 November 2007. The deadline for submitting field test results is also extended to 30 November 2007. The Board decided to extend the comment deadline primarily to allow entities participating in the field tests and those assisting such entities more time to prepare their comments on the exposure draft.

The Board strongly encourages entities and organisations that are not involved in the field testing to submit their comments on the exposure draft by the original 1 October 2007 deadline.


Correction list for hyphenation

These words serve as exceptions. Once entered, they are only hyphenated at the specified hyphenation points. Each word should be on a separate line.