New Zealand delays IFRS equivalents for small companies

  • New Zealand Image

19 Sep 2007

The New Zealand Accounting Standards Review Board (ASRB) and the Financial Reporting Standards Board (FRSB) have announced a decision to delay the mandatory adoption of NZ IFRSs for certain small entities.

Financial reporting by small and medium sized entities (SMEs) has been the subject of recent world-wide debate. As a result of this, the IASB has produced the exposure draft of a Standard for financial reporting for SMEs. In addition, Australia has recently conducted a review of SME reporting, and in New Zealand there has been extensive consultation on the issue. The Minister of Commerce, the Hon Lianne Dalziel, recently advised the ASRB and FRSB that a government review of the financial reporting requirements applying to small and medium-sized companies under the Financial Reporting Act (the FRA) will commence in mid-2008.

As a result, the ASRB and FRSB have decided to delay, until further notice, the mandatory adoption of NZ IFRSs for certain small entities, defined as follows:

  • Companies that are not issuers as defined by the FRA, in either the current or preceding accounting period and that:
    • are not required by section 19 of the FRA to file their financial statements; and
    • are not large, as defined by section 19A(b) of the FRA. A company is large if at least two of the following apply:
      • total assets of the company and its subsidiaries (if any) exceed NZ$10,000,000;
      • turnover or the company and its subsidiaries (if any) exceeds NZ$20,000,000; or
      • the company and its subsidiaries (if any) have 50 or more full-time equivalent employees.
  • Other entities that:
    • are not subject to the FRA; and
    • are not publicly accountable or large as defined in the Framework for Differential Reporting. An entity is large if at least two of the following apply:
      • total assets exceed NZ$10,000,000;
      • total income exceeds NZ$20,000,000; or
      • 50 or more full-time equivalent employees.
At this stage, the delay is for an indefinite period. Entities taking advantage of the delay should continue to use existing NZ GAAP financial reporting standards. Click for:


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