Additional postings to IAS Plus 'Credit Crunch' page

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20 Apr 2008

We are continuing to add documents to our new page dedicated to tracking recommendations and resources relating to the Credit Crunch.

By 'credit crunch' we mean the recent turmoil in the world's financial markets and responses to it from various international, regional, and national agencies. Two new documents posted are:
  • Observations on Risk Management Practices During the Recent Market Turbulence from the Senior Supervisors Group (PDF 2,334k, March 2008). The seven 'senior supervisors' participating in this project are the French Banking Commission, the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, the Swiss Federal Banking Commission, the UK Financial Services Authority, and, in the United States, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Federal Reserve.
  • Policy Statement on Financial Market Developments from the President's Working Group on Financial Markets (PDF 1,428k, March 2008). The policy statement sets out recommendations to improve the future state of US and global financial markets. Those recommendations cover improved transparency and disclosure, better risk awareness and management, and stronger oversight.


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