IASB reorganises its technical leadership team

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15 Apr 2008

Sir David Tweedie, Chairman of the International Accounting Standards Board, has announced a reorganisation of the technical leadership team of the IASB following the resignation of Liz Hickey, Director of Technical Activities, who will return to her native New Zealand.

The following changes will come into effect from July 2008. All six directors will report directly to the Chairman of the IASB. The IASB Announcement (PDF 53k) said:
  • Wayne Upton, Director of Research, will become Director of International Activities - a vital role that better reflects both his current responsibilities and extensive experience in assisting major economies in making the transition to IFRSs and in meeting the growing volume of requests from around the world for assistance in implementing IFRSs. He will also be available for special projects.
  • Tricia O'Malley, a former IASB member, will take on the enhanced role of Director of Implementation Activities, combining her existing responsibilities as Co-ordinator of IFRIC activities with the management of post-implementation reviews and annual improvements projects.
  • Paul Pacter will retain his existing responsibilities as Director of Standards for SMEs. Paul has shown tremendous energy and leadership driving the SME project forward, which is all the more remarkable given the part-time nature of the role.
  • Peter Clark will be promoted to Director of Research, responsible for identifying and managing issues that affect a range of IASB projects, and for overseeing technical quality.
  • Gavin Francis will be promoted to Director of Capital Markets and will be responsible for the development of IFRSs, with particular emphasis on financial instruments and related areas.
  • Alan Teixeira will become Director of Technical Activities and will be responsible for the development of IFRSs.


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