FASB invites comments on IASB's financial instruments paper

  • FASB (old) Image

01 Apr 2008

The US Financial Accounting Standards Board has issued an Invitation to Comment (ITC) on Reducing Complexity in Reporting Financial Instruments.

The ITC incorproates the IASB's Discussion Paper on Reducing Complexity in Reporting Financial Instruments, which the IASB issued for comment on 20 March 2008. FASB's ITC asks whether there is a need for the FASB to add a project aimed at simplifying and improving standards for measurement of financial instruments and, if so, what kind of projects or approaches should be considered. It also requests feedback on the issues in the IASB's Discussion Paper. FASB requests comments by 19 September 2008 (same comment deadline as the IASB). Click for:


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