IFRSs for US companies – planning for adoption

  • United States (old) Image

07 Aug 2008

As full acceptance of IFRS in the United States nears, developing a plan around IFRS implementation is becoming increasingly important for companies to effectively position themselves for the future.

To help companies better understand the impact a move to IFRS will have on organisations, Deloitte has released the publication International Financial Reporting Standards for US Companies: Planning for Adoption. This publication provides an overview of key IFRS considerations, includes practical steps for US executives, and addresses key questions for US companies, including:
  • How can company leaders – especially in finance – begin to plan properly for tomorrow's IFRS world?
  • What impact will a transition to IFRS have on technical accounting, tax, process and statutory reporting, technology infrastructure, and organisational issues?
  • What about timing considerations for IFRS conversion activities?
Download the Publication (PDF 1,843k) to learn more.


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