Deloitte guidance on transition to IFRSs in Canada

  • Canada Image

15 Jan 2008

Canada has announced a plan to fully converge Canadian accounting standards with IFRSs by 2011 (see our Canada Page).

To assist Canadian publicly accountable entities in the task of making the transition to IFRSs, Deloitte & Touche (Canada) has published The Conversion of Canadian GAAP to IFRSs: Volume One – Scoping the Effort in both English and French. This guide – the first in a series – focuses on scoping and planning for the journey to IFRSs. Subsequent volumes will address in increasingly greater detail other aspects of the road ahead, with more specific guidance on issues as they become more relevant to the timing of the process. Click to download: You can find links to these and many other Deloitte IFRS publications on our IFRS Publications Page.

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