SEC and SEBI will cooperate on accounting and auditing

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  • United States (old) Image

09 Jan 2008

The United States Securities and Exchange Commission and the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) have announced terms for increased cooperation and collaboration.

The topics identified for discussion in the dialogue over the coming year include accounting and auditing standards. Here's the complete list:
  • Oversight of dually regulated entities
  • Regulatory and compliance issues relating to outsourcing
  • Accounting and auditing standards
  • Corporate governance standards and internal controls
  • Areas for continued capacity-building and technical cooperation
  • Cross-border cooperation and information sharing in securities enforcement matters
The new dialogue has three main objectives:
  • Identify and discuss regulatory issues of common concern
  • Continue and expand upon the existing program of capacity-building and technical cooperation between the SEC and the SEBI
  • Improve cooperation and the exchange of information in cross-border securities enforcement matters
Click for SEC Press Release (PDF 36k).

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