Senate approvals bring SEC up to full strength

  • SEC (US Securities and Exchange Commission) (dark gray) Image

30 Jun 2008

The United States Senate has confirmed three nominees to the five-member US Securities and Exchange Commission.

The Commission has been operating with three Republican commissioners since February – Chairman Christopher Cox, Paul Atkins and Kathleen Casey. Commissioner Atkins's term expires at the end of this month. Chairman Cox and Commissioner Casey continue. The new Commissioners are:
  • Luis Aguilar, partner in the law firm of McKenna Long & Aldridge (Democrat)
  • Elisse Walter, a senior executive at the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (Democrat)
  • Troy Paredes, a professor at Washington University School of Law (Republican)
Press reports have said that the Commission has delayed its consideration of IFRSs for domestic registrants, among other issues, until the vacancies were filled.


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