Several issues in CESR's updated prospectus FAQ relate to IFRSs

  • European Union (old) Image

21 May 2008

The Committee of European Securities Regulators (CESR) has issued the fifth updated version of Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Prospectuses: Common Positions Agreed by CESR Members.

Several of the questions involve IFRS issues, including the following issues:
  • Issue 15. Interaction between the prospectus Regulation and IAS 8: When an issuer changes an accounting policy in its financial statements (for instance, on initial application of a new IFRS) and applies that policy retrospectively, does this mean that the issuer has to restate comparative figures in the prospectus that would be affected by the retrospective application of the new accounting policy?
  • Issue 48. Pro forma financial information: illustrative examples: Several of the issues relate to IFRS 3 and IFRS 5

Click to view Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Prospectuses: Common Positions Agreed by CESR Members (PDF 289k).


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