Reminder about upcoming comment deadline

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28 Nov 2008

We remind you that comments are due on 5 December 2008 on Exposure Draft: Simplifying Earnings per Share, which was issued 7 August 2008.

Among other things, the proposed revisions to IAS 33 would:

  • Provide a clear principle to determine which shares and other instruments should be included in the EPS calculation. Under that principle, the weighted average number of ordinary shares includes only those instruments that give their holder the right to share currently in profit or loss of the period.
  • Clarify the EPS calculation for particular instruments, such as contracts to sell or repurchase an entity's own shares and participating instruments. The ED treats those contracts as if the entity had already repurchased the shares. Therefore, the entity would exclude those shares from the denominator of the EPS calculation.
  • Amend the calculation of diluted EPS for participating instruments and two-class ordinary shares. If a convertible financial instrument would have a more dilutive effect if conversion is assumed, then the entity would assume the more dilutive treatment for diluted EPS.
  • Simplify the EPS calculation for instruments that are accounted for at fair value through profit or loss. For such instruments (including the derivative component of a compound financial instrument), an entity would not adjust the numerator or denominator of the diluted EPS calculation.

Click for more information on IASB Exposure Draft: Simplifying Earnings per Share.

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