Heads Up on US SEC IFRS Roadmap

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18 Nov 2008

Deloitte (United States) has published a special issue of the Heads Up newsletter discussing the SEC's proposed IFRS Roadmap. The roadmap outlines certain milestones that, if achieved, could lead to mandatory transition to IFRSs in the United States starting in financial years ending on or after 15 December 2014.

The roadmap also contains proposed rule changes that would give certain US issuers the early option to use IFRSs in financial statements for financial years ending on or after 15 December 2009. Click to download the Heads Up newsletter (PDF 150k).

The proposed roadmap outlines seven milestones

Milestones 1-4 discuss issues that need to be addressed before mandatory adoption of IFRSs:

  • 1. Improvements in accounting standards.
  • 2. Accountability and funding of the International Accounting Standards Committee Foundation.
  • 3. Improvement in the ability to use interactive data for IFRS reporting.
  • 4. Education and training on IFRSs in the United States.
Milestones 5-7 discuss the transition plan for the mandatory use of IFRSs:
  • 5. Limited early use by eligible entities – This milestone would give roughly 110 US issuers the option of using IFRSs for financial years ending on or after 15 December 2009.
  • 6. Anticipated timing of future rule making by the SEC – On the basis of the progress made on milestones 1-4 and experience gained from milestone 5, the SEC will determine in 2011 whether to require mandatory adoption of IFRSs for all US issuers. Potentially, the option to use IFRSs could also be expanded to other issuers before 2014.
  • 7. Implementation of mandatory use – The roadmap raises many questions, including whether the transition to IFRSs should be phased in. According to the roadmap, large accelerated filers would be required to file IFRS financial statements for financial years ending on or after 15 December 2014, then accelerated filers in 2015, and nonaccelerated filers in 2016.

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