Updated newsletter on IAS 39 reclassifications

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30 Oct 2008

On 22 October 2008, we posted an IAS Plus Newsletter explaining the IASB's amendments to IAS 39 that permit an entity to reclassify non-derivative financial assets out of the 'fair value through profit or loss' (FVTPL) and 'available-for-sale' (AFS) categories in limited circumstances.

As noted in our news story immediately below, the IASB used its October 2008 Update newsletter to provide clarifying guidance on the effective date of the reclassifications. We have updated the Deloitte IAS Plus Newsletter Amendments to IAS 39 & IFRS 7 – Reclassification of Financial Assets (PDF 193k) to reflect the new IASB clarifying guidance. You will find all Past IAS Plus Newsletters Here


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