New EFRAG planning and resource committee

  • EFRAG (European Financial Reporting Advisory Group) (dk green) Image

09 Apr 2009

The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) Supervisory Board has appointed an interim Planning and Resource Committee (PRC) as part of EFRAG's restructuring.

The role of the PRC will be to set the agenda for proactive work that results in the issuance of discussion papers, position papers, and other outputs. The PRC will provide guidance on the allocation of resources from EFRAG and National Standard Setters (NSS) to proactive projects and will monitor the progress of the work concerned. Members of the interim PRC are:
  • Peter Sampers - Member of the EFRAG Supervisory Board, Chair of the PRC ad interim
  • Angelo Caso - Chair of the OIC (Italian Standard Setter)
  • Ian Mackintosh - Chair of the UK ASB
  • Jean-Francois Lepetit - Chair of the ANC (French Standard Setter)
  • Hans Van Damme - Member of the EFRAG Supervisory Board
  • Stig Enevoldsen - Chairman of EFRAG TEG
Click for Press Release (PDF 60k).


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